19+ w/ Valid ID
Tickets available at Amigos or online (link above).
$10 advance/$12 day of.
COME EARLY & STAY LATE! $3.75 highballs/$6 doubles + $4.50 bottles of Boh from 9-10pm & 1-2am.
Daniel Romano’s Ancient Shapes is the sound of punk rock, power pop, and psychedelic garage. It’s a solo recording project and a ripping and well-dressed live band. It’s a collage of spontaneous poetry and repurposed graphic design. The foul debris of late capitalism fuels alien engines. A hummingbird sits on barbed wire. Flowers bloom between the cracks. Insects crawl across the moon. Hopelessness and hope form a perfect sphere.
LISTEN: https://youvechangedrecords.bandcamp.com/album/ancient-shapes
The Sips – A trio(mustard) of dirty mingles that are Saskatoon psychedelic surf crotch, in all of its glory. Dylan Buzit, Graeme Revering, and Ashley Vols are a kind trio-(m u s t a r d), all small in nature yet simultaneously large in charismatic flavour.
LISTEN: https://thesipsband.bandcamp.com/releases