Amigos Cantina
Saturday, November 02, 2024 at 10pm

On Saturday November 2nd get ready for the spookiest crossover in Banga-Off history as this legendary song-tournament meets Halloween weekend!

If you’re new here’s how it works. We accept 64 song submissions via We randomize them. We play 2 songs back-to-back. If you like song 1 stand on the left side of the room. If you like song 2 stand on the right side of the room. Vote with your heart. The winner advances and we play the next 2 songs. But this year… we do it in costumes!

What constitutes as a “banga”? Well it has to have that mix of danceability, singability, longevity… and it can’t be too too long because in order to win it will be played over and over again. Test some songs out at full volume and if you think you have a contender head on over to to submit it. You cannot submit a song that has previously been entered into a Banga-Off, so do a quick search otherwise your banga will be rejected by the wise Commissioners.

Song submissions will be accepted starting on October 1st. If you don’t want the Bangxiety of selecting a song that might perish in the tournament, don’t worry, we need general party-goers to form our voting populace so just come for a good hang!

$18 plus tax @ the door
19+ w/ Valid ID
10pm start

Good luck!
-Commishes and Banga-Committee